...and Link said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Until
there wasn't again. Bugger!
As most will know, this is a
classic Zelda Gamecube outing now bathed in HDness and sent pootling
into the world in hopes of boosting Wii U sales. As such,
Zeldaphiles will have a fair idea as to what’s going on, for nothing
much has changed structurally.
That being typed, a couple of
classic niggles have been denigglified – most notably with a
speedier way of sailing the seven seas, a bulgier wallet and
adjustments to the somewhat painful Tingle fetch questing. Ooh,
while we’re being tingly, you can now go all constabulary and send
out messages in bottles that lob onto other players’ beaches-o.
Otherwise, things are mostly just prettier. The cartoonish look
that you either loved or hated is magnified by the availability of
oodles of pixels, while the palette can still sizzle retinas if
sitting a touch too close. Speaking of touch, the gamepad makes for
a nifty inventory controller that discontinues game-pausing, and
things look even more sweetie-cutie-lovely if you shrinkydink down
and play on that.
If you’re still wondering just WTF all this Zelda
business is, umm, well, it’s one of the biggest franchises in gaming
history and that you know nothing of it is gobsmacking. But we’ll
play nice. You’re a little blonde bloke clad in green who has a
natty way with a sword. This is handy as you quest through islands,
dungeons and stuff aiming to rescue your little sis from an ugly,
pointy-schnozzed prick. Plus other stuff, but them’s the basics.
It’s all gorgeously cinematic, not least of all due to an heroic
orchestral score.
Once again Nintendo re-tread the wheel
rather than reinventing it. But when they do it so well then
Zeldaholics have reason to sing hallelujah.