Insomniac Games/ Microsoft Studios
Sunrise, sunset. Sunrise, sunset. Cats and the cradle and the silver
spoon. Yes, we have no bananas...
But we have lots of soft
drink. Or, more pointily, innumerable casualties thereof – and we’re
not talking mild cases of bubble-induced dyspepsia. You see,
FizzCo’s new energy elixir Overcharge Delerium XT has caused those
who went the glug at its launch to, well, become overcharged and
delirious. Oh yeah, they’ve also turned into pustule-ridden bubble
gremmies. Violent pustule-ridden bubble gremmies.
But you’re
you – be it chick or bloke (big tick!) - and as you’re you you
decide to clean up the streets with absolutely no thoughts of your
own survival. Except for all of them. Whatever, it doesn’t matter,
those PRBGs are fucked while you’re on the weapon-wielding case.
That Sunset Overdrive plays out much like a
hypercoloured, less furry and metallic
Ratchet & Clank
isn’t surprising, for the creator of that dynamic Lombax/Robot duo
done created this. Magnificent, imaginative weapons ranging from
exploding teddy bears to big-arse crazy mofo boomsticks kinda give
it away.
Rather than just trundling about grinding the odd
rail, grinding’s key to scoring, and also, perhaps more critically,
surviving. You’ll traverse rails, bounce off bouncy things and
pretty much play keepings off the ground to really succeed. You’ll
encounter the odd non-PRBG acquaintance to work with, from redneck
TV moguls to private school nerds and beyond. You’ll do fetch quests
– so many fetch quests - and discover that ‘grinding’ takes on other
connotations as certain missions tend to drag...
controls are fairly forgiving, the action’s thick, fast and flowy
and the proliferation of self-reverential humour mostly strikes a
fun balance between grin and groan.
If you pushed
Saints Row,
InFamous, Jet Set Radio, Deadpool and
Quentin Tarantino into a vat of Slurm then you just might end up
with Sunset Overdrive. But you’d still have no bananas.