POSTED 6/9/12
the machine that goes ‘PING!’.
Also variously ‘BLINK!’, ‘BLOP!’, ‘DING-DING-DING!’, ‘WHOOP-WHOOP!’,
Huh? Yep, Plants vs Zombies has
gone all silver bally, but first a word from our sponsor... Or the
sponsor of the Plants vs Zombies pinnie table. Well, the
thing that runs the fucker, m’kay?
Yep, it’s Zen Pinball 2. Essentially the Zen Pinball
we know and worship, given an interface overhaul that borrows
heavily from Marvel Pinball,
graphical tweaks, welcome physics twiddles (although some old tables
are still bastiches with ball draininess) and even 3D.
“Yeah, but I’ve got 25 tables on the first Zen Pinball,” you
might whine. Well buck up little camper, ’cos if you own ’em,
they’re free to download for this! Yeah, you have to grab them
again, but they’ve been tweaked, remember? Oh yeah, speaking of
free, Zen Pinball 2 itself is. The cost is zip, nada, zilcho.
You can even test any of the now 26 tables before flinging your
hard-earned shekels Sonywards (thus allowing the realisation that
Sorcerer’s Lair, in particular, is shite).
Right, PvZ table. It’s a pinnie table based around Plants
vs Zombies. It features all the familiar sound and vision you
know. It’s ace, so get it.
Sold yet? What if we added that if you buy it on the PS3 it’ll also
work on your Vita? Plus even the tables you bought for the first PS3
Zen experience are free for the portable? Oh, and your high
scores will hover somewhere in space so that they show up on both
machiney-weenies? OK, so it’s a bit of a hassle sorting the tables
initially, but once downed and installed it’s time for pinball
heaven, population you.
Need we keep yabbering? Seriously, Zen Pinball was the
hoopiest video pinball ever. With ZP2 it just got hoopier.